2013년 7월 12일 금요일

논문발표 PPT RhoA Prenylation Inhibitor Produces Relaxation of Tonic Smooth Muscle of Internal Anal Sphincter

논문발표 PPT RhoA Prenylation Inhibitor Produces Relaxation of Tonic Smooth Muscle of Internal Anal Sphincter

The purpose of the present study was to determine the role of RhoA prenylation in the activation of RhoA and in the maintenanace of the basal and stimulated (by U-46619) state, before and after prenylation inhibitor GGTI-297.
We also determined cellular distribution of RhoA and ROCK activity. For comparison, we used phasic rectal smooth muscle (RSM).

GGTaseI (=prenyltransferase) : Catalyzes the covalent attachment of the geranylgeranyl group from GGPP to RhoA(prenylation)

GGTI-297 (=Rho A Prenylation Inhibitor) :Blocks RhoA prenylation via inhibiting transfer of geranylgeranyl group to RhoA via inhibition of GGTaseI

RhoA prenylation : Translocation of RhoA to the membrane followed by the activation of RhoA/ROCK

Chirag A. Patel and Satish Rattan
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Vol. 321, No.2,2007
발표자 : 장은진
2008년 10월 23일
제가 오늘 발표할 내용은 RhoA Prenylation inhibitor가 Internal Anal Sphincter의 Tonic Smooth Muscle의 이완을 시키는 것에 관한 논문입니다.

Internal anal sphincter(IAS) is a tonic smooth muscle that remains contracted at rest via myogenic properties and plays pivotal role in rectoanal conti

RhoA Prenylation Inhibitor Produces Relaxation of Tonic Smooth Muscle of Internal Anal Sphincter

(Chirag A. Patel and Satish Rattan)

-Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Vol. 321, No.2, 2007

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